Pattern Recognition Molecules and Immune Sensors of Pathogens
Friday, July 3, 2009, Hall Prague C-D
Diverse Effectors (FREPS, 185s and others)
10:30-10:50Genome level diversification of freps in hemocytes of the gastropod mollusc Biomphalaria glabrata
Adema C.M., Lun C.M., Gauntt J., Zhang S.-M., Loker E.S.
10:50-11:10Comparison of 185/333 gene and message sequences from the purple sea urchin suggests post-transcriptional modifications as a mechanism for immunological diversification
Buckley K.M., Terwilliger D.P., Smith L.C.
11:10-11:30Assembly and analysis of a 185/333 gene cluster from the purple sea urchin: putative microsatellite-mediated gene duplication of this highly variable family
Miller C.A., Buckley K.M., Easley R., Smith L.C.
11:30-11:50Localization of the 185/333 proteins in cells and organs of the purple sea urchin.
Majeske, A.J., T.K. Oleksyk and L.C. Smith
11:50-12:10The 185/333 proteins from the purple sea urchin, Stongylocentrotus purpuratus, bind bacteria.
Schrankel, C. S., Y.O. Kim, L. C. Smith
12:10-12:30Diversity and defense: characterisation of a highly variable gene family in the sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma
Nair S.V., Roth M., Dheilly N.M., Raftos D.A.