Innate Immune Cells, Apoptosis, Growth Factors
Monday, June 29, 2009, Hall Belvedere III-IV
14:00-14:25The comparative immuno-modulatory effects of beta-glucans on human/murine/porcine monocytic macrophages
Yu J.H., Chaung H.C., Hwang T.C., Wu M.L., Chung W.B.
14:25-14:50Innate immune responses and permissiveness to viral infection of peritoneal leukocytes in Xenopus
Robert J., Morales H.
14:50-15:15Interactions between symbiotic Vibrio fischeri and the hemocytes off the hawaiian bobtail squid, Euprymna scolopes
Nyholm S.V.
15:15-15:40Role of CFTR in modulating resistance to Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Phennicie R.T., Sullivan M.J., Singer J.T., Lage C.R., Kim C.H.
15:40-16:10Response of iron-related immune genes during experimental infection in fish
Neves J., Wilson J., Rodrigues P.