Complement and complement-like factors
Monday, June 29, 2009, Hall Belvedere I-II
10:30-11:00Collaboration of the lectin complement pathway with the coagulation system
Endo Y., Iwaki D., Takahashi M., Fujita T.
11:00-11:20Ancient origin and gene duplication of thioester containing protein (TEP) genes
Fujito N., Sugimoto S., Nonaka M.
11:20-11:40Characterization of complement component C3 in the squid Eupryma scolopes
Castillo M.G., McFall-Ngai M.J., Dinguirard N.
11:40-12:00Do ticks have a primitive complement system?
Kopáček P., Burešová V., Hajdušek C.
12:00-12:20A survey on C1q-domain-containing proteins in Mytilus galloprovincialis
Gerdol M., Bernante F., Venier P., Pallavicini A.